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English for Technical Professionals

Senkia College of Life provides this course specifically designed for learners who will be using English in a scientific or engineering environment.

Technical English introduces the vocabulary necessary to communicate and understand basic technical concepts in fields such as algebra, geometry, chemistry and physics. Each unit presents vocabulary related to a specific technical area, and reviews one relevant grammar point that will help students to express themselves with confidence.

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The approach taken in this course is direct and concise, and you will be encouraged to work both independently and with others on an extensive range of activities, all of which are geared towards making you more proficient in the technical language you will need to be successful in further study.

Technical English is a thought-provoking ESP course ideal for students and professionals who need ESP-based communication skills required in the twenty-first century. This course may also make academic lectures in technical English more accessible to students because it contains information-rich and well-chosen topics pertaining to engineering and technical EAP. Technical English should be a must-have ESP and EAP tool intended for students and professionals who want a fresh and original technical English course that equips them to use English in the engineering environment.

Key features of the course include:

  • 21 units covering a wide range of technical themes

  • a variety of authentic source materials such as instruction manuals and scientific articles

  • a range of listening texts, including lectures and dialogues

  • transferable reading and listening skills with grammar for clarification and support

  • authentic tasks designed to promote transferable skills

It is assumed that prior to using titles in this series the participant will already have completed a general English course such as skills in English up to end of at least level 3 out of 6.

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